Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Electronic health record (EHR) Literature review

Electronic health record (EHR) - Literature review Example EHRs are very quick as there is no need for any paper-work for documenting and sharing of the information and images. Thus, an EHR plays a vital role in evidence based treatment and decision-making without having to go through the manual process (Williams, 2010; National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources, 2006). These enable access to the records even from distant areas by means of online networking. The drawback with EHRs is that these are quite expensive but once implemented, these tend to be very cost-effective. Carter (2008) studied that the concept of EHRs began in 1960s â€Å"with the COSTAR system, developed by Barnett at the Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts General Hospital† (p.7). According to him, the earlier efforts provided models and pseudo types on which current â€Å"hospital-based and ambulatory† EHRs are based upon. Iakovidis (1998) suggested that EHRs can be used as tools for continuity of care and for collabora tive performance of healthcare providers. Many researchers have studied the functionality of EHRs in various contexts. All studies have led to the conclusion that EHRs are a significant contribution to the medical industry since these have modernized the way patients’ data is stored. Poissant et al. ... Research has it that despite significant advantages of EHRs, their adoption rates are progressing rather slowly. Gans et al (2005) conducted a research on the use of EHRs and IT based tools in the health industry and concluded that most health professionals were not incorporating EHRs especially in smaller practices. Their findings suggested that the adoption of EHRs was making progress at a snail's pace; however, the physicians planned to incorporate them in the coming years. They found that this happened because the practitioners found it difficult to choose and implement EHRs. This research is supported by the findings by Jha et al. (2006) who studied how common are the EHRs in USA’s health sector. They found that the year they conducted the research, the commonness of EHRs was low on scale. According to them, â€Å"data on their adoption rate are limited.† They found that only 23.9 percent of providers were using ambulatory EHRs and 5 percent were using computerized systems. They suggested that what kept physicians from implementing EHRs in their settings was the knowledge gap. These findings are further supported by recent researches as well. For example, Jha et al. (2009) conducted a research to find out if the adoption rate of EHRs in the healthcare sector has increased with passing years. Thus, they conducted a second research in 2009 and came to the same conclusion as in 2006. They found that â€Å"despite a consensus that the use of health information technology should lead to more efficient, safer, and higher-quality care, there are no reliable estimates of the prevalence of adoption of electronic health records in U.S. hospitals.† Jha et al. (2009) conducted a big survey of a number of acute care hospitals to find out the EHR

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Colour Purple Essay Example for Free

The Colour Purple Essay Drama Essay Comparison of own improvisation with The Colour Purple  In this essay I am going to compare and analyse the differences and similarities between my improvisation and a film called The Colour Purple. My groups play was based upon a certain part of a painting, painted by our drama teacher Mr. Burgon. The painting was used as a stimulus. Our part of the painting was showing a man in a mask painting a car. WE had to build up upon it and produce a lengthy piece. The themes of our improvisation and The Colour Purple are violence and domestic problems, abuse. Our play could be thought of as quite controversial, as it deals with domestic violence, child abuse, and rape to a certain extent. In order to make our improvisation as realistic as possible, and not too offensive I decided to research the topic in more depth. Therefore I searched the Internet for information about the victims. I found out that the majority of the people affected were molested in their childhood/early teens. Most of them were naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and not fully aware of what was going on around them. A large amount was in a single parent family. I also found out that the experience had an immense effect on their adult life. Most are not able to have a sex life, they rely on anti-depressants, self-harm etc. I think that it was harder to cope for abused women in the Colour Purple because they had no one and no-where to run away to, whereas today women can call help-lines etc. to help them through their problems.  In our piece I play the role of Jade, a long distance relative (cousin) who 14 years ago was raped by Eddie, who then married Jades cousin Alison. She couldnt have children so they decided to adopt a child. Jade fell pregnant at 14 with Eddie, so she gave away her baby to him and Alison and Eddie raised up their child without her knowing that she was her cousins baby. According to Eddie Ellie (the child) is the source of all problems (not only finantional, but moral as well). He blamed Ellie for him relationship with Alison not working out. Another play that portrays similar family issues is The Colour Purple. This was set about a century ago (1900s) and can be firstly considered as completely different from our play, but if we take a closer look, we realize that there are some unusual similarities. Cilia are a young black youth, who at 14 was raped twice by her father. He is a rapist and an abuser. As a result to the rapes Cilia gives birth to two children: Olivia and Adam, who are taken away from her. Surprisingly a very similar situation occurs in my play where Eddie rapes Jade and he takes her baby to bring up as his own with Alison. In The Colour Purple Celia is shown as a young vulnerable girl, who gets raped by her father, then chucked out the house. She was forced to marry a grown-up man and move in with him. But that is not the end to her troubles. In the film we can clearly see the family status. We see that the husband is very important, and makes all the decisions. Celia has to call him sir.  In my play the family status is also publicized, but its not as drastic. I.e. Alison doesnt have to call Eddie sir. WE can clearly see he has control over Alison at the Dinner table scene: Alison: Ill just get the phone.  Eddie: [slams down hands on table] NO!!!!! SIT DOWN!!!!  In my improvisation as well as The Colour Purple the husband is a control-freak and the wife is scared to stand up to him. They might be afraid of his reaction or might think that he will go completely berserk and try to do something terrible. I.e. murder, or beat thoroughly. In The Colour Purple this is very clear when Celia is shaving her husband and he says you cut me and Ill kill you. Celia is scared and tries hard not to cut him. In my play Alison doesnt stand up to Eddie when he yells at her to sit down, she just obeys him in silence.  The way both characters deal with the abuse is different , because in the end Alison tells Jade that Eddie is abusing her and Ellie. Whereas Cilia, doesnt tell anyone about her troubles, she keep it all inside her. They deal in different way, but yet the abuse is very similar. Both characters get raped ( Cilia and Jade), both character are abused by their fathers ( Cilia and Ellie). I have noticed that the different things that happened throughout my play to 3 different characters( Jade, Ellie Alison) happened to one character in The Colour Purple. Also in The Colour Purple the husband cant do anything for himself. When he brings home a woman from a bar, he tried to cook for her , but he is completely useless.  There is a very similar situation in my play when Alison and Ellie leave Eddie and the flat is very messy, there is rubbish lying around everywhere, empty beer cans, half-eaten ready meals etc.  Even though both plays were set about a century apart, they still have many similarities involving family issues such as family status, respect, domestic violence (abuse). They both show how victims cope with the abuse and what effect it has on their lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Essay -- Marlow Heart o

Analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness is a story about Marlow’s journey to discover his inner self. Along the way, Marlow faces his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination on his trek to the inner station. Marlow, who goes on his journey to meet Kurtz, already has a fascination with Kurtz after listening to many people along the way. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Marlow says about himself, "I was getting savage," meaning that he was becoming more like Kurtz. Along the trip into the wilderness, they discover their true selves through contact with the native people. On one occasion, the steamer is attacked by a party of natives, killing the helmsmen and frightening the crew. This event triggers a change in Marlow, who takes off his shoes, which were covered in his friend’s blood. This taking off of clothes is a return to nature, bringing about a more primitive Marlow. Even as Marlow ventures further up the Congo, he feels like he is traveling ba...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Relflection Paper Essay

When enrolling into a new class, it is normal to have expectations. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I understand that the upcoming semester will provide many challenges I will have to face. I am excited to see how I will grow academically over the course of the semester. I find myself eager about learning new things and refreshing my knowledge on things I have forgotten. It has been a long time since I have studied the growth and development of humans. I have strengths to bring to this class as well as weaknesses that I plan to work on during this class. By the end of this course I expect to be able to apply what I learn in counseling and become a better writer. While this class will be more stimulating than what I have been used to I hope that with the help of my classmates and my professor I can make this class a positive learning experience. During my undergraduate career, I took many psychology classes involving the human development. In one of my undergraduate classes, Lifespan Development, we went through the lifespan of people from birth until death. I took this class online and the class involved a lot of self-teaching. Because the class was online, assignments consisted of mostly online tests. While I learned a lot, I do not feel as if I learned all that I could. I am looking forward to taking this class on a more challenging level and having a deeper understanding in human growth and development. One of my biggest weaknesses is engaging in class discussions and presentations. Although I have an extroverted personality, I am very shy when it comes presentations. It takes time for me to get comfortable speaking in front a group of people. While doing presentations and engaging in class discussions, I get very nervous. In this class, a big part of my grade comes from this. Therefore, in this class I expect to get over my fear of public speaking. I hope that with the help of my professor I gain confidence about speaking in front of groups of people. I want to be able to take what I have learned in this class, apply it to counseling and also have a better understanding of what I have learned. This class will be an introduction of what to look forward to for the next three years. I am not used to writing papers and having to do so much reflective thinking. I believe this experience will help me become a better writer. In order for me to achieve all of my expectations, it is important that my professor help me when I need it, challenge me and give me constructive critism. In addition, if I want to take all that I can from this class it is imperative for me to give this class all that I have and spend time reading and completing my projects. I know that during this semester, there will be challenges but with the instruction of my professor, I plan to grow in my profession.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health in Comminities

# 2008 University of South Africa All rights reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk, Pretoria CMH2602/1/2009 ±2011 98316532 (iii) __________________________________ __________________________________ Contents WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION (vii) PART 1: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN COMMUNITY HEALTH 1 LEARNING UNIT 1: 2 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7 1. 8 1. 9 CONCEPTS AND THEORIES/MODELS IN COMMUNITY HEALTH Introduction Theoretical thinking as a language Choosing a theory/model to apply to community health The dimensions model of community health nursing Orem's self-care deficit theory of nursingNeuman's systems model/theory Pender's health promotion model Gordon's functional health pattern framework Conclusion 2 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 PART 2: THE INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY AS CLIENT 13 LEARNING UNIT 2: 14 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 2. 10 Introduction Defining the concept of family Structure of the family Types of families Stages of family d evelopment The family as social system Cultural values in the family Family functions Roles of the family Conclusion LEARNING UNIT 3: 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 3. 10 3. 11 THE FAMILY AS CLIENT ASSESSING FAMILY HEALTH IntroductionAssessment of the family The biophysical dimension The psychological considerations The physical environmental considerations The socio-cultural dimension The behavioural considerations The health system considerations Diagnostic reasoning and the family as a client Planning, implementation and evaluation Conclusion 14 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 21 21 23 23 23 25 25 27 28 30 31 31 31 32 (iv) LEARNING UNIT 4: INFANTS FROM BIRTH TO 18 MONTHS 4. 1 Introduction 4. 2 Definition of child health 4. 3 Growth and development during infancy 4. 4 Developmental tasks 4. 5 Infant nutrition 4. 6 Cognitive-perceptual patterns . 7 Child abuse 4. 8 Stress in infancy 4. 9 Pathological processes 4. 10 Immunisation 4. 11 Conclusion 34 34 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 41 LEARNING UNIT 5: THE TODDLER (18 ±36 MONTHS) 5. 1 Introduction 5. 2 Age and physical changes 5. 3 Nutrition in toddlers 5. 4 Elimination and exercise patterns 5. 5 Sleep and rest pattern 5. 6 Cognitive-perceptual pattern 5. 7 Self-perception-self-concept pattern, roles-relationships pattern, child abuse, sexuality-reproductive pattern, coping with stress, and values and beliefs 5. 8 Pathological processes 5. 9 Social processes 5. 10 Conclusion 43 43 43 44 44 44 45LEARNING UNIT 6: THE PRE-SCHOOL CHILD 6. 1 Introduction 6. 2 Age and physical changes 6. 3 Cognitive-perceptual patterns 6. 4 Self-perception-self-concept pattern, roles-relationships pattern, sexuality-reproductive pattern, coping-stress pattern and values-beliefs pattern 6. 5 Pathological processes 6. 6 Social processes 6. 7 Conclusion 48 48 48 49 LEARNING UNIT 7: THE SCHOOL-AGE CHILD 7. 1 Introduction 7. 2 Age and physical changes 7. 3 Cognitive-perceptual pattern 7. 4 Self-perception-self-concept pattern, roles-rel ationships pattern, sexuality-reproductive pattern, coping-stress pattern and values-beliefs pattern 7. Pathological processes and social processes 7. 6 Conclusion 52 52 52 53 LEARNING UNIT 8: THE ADOLESCENT 8. 1 Introduction 8. 2 Age and physical changes: Gordon's functional health patterns 8. 3 Gordon's functional health patterns in adolescents 8. 4 Pathological processes in the adolescent 8. 5 Social processes 8. 6 Conclusion 56 56 56 57 58 59 59 45 46 46 46 49 50 50 51 54 55 55 (v) LEARNING UNIT 9: GENDER HEALTH 9. 1 9. 2 9. 3 9. 4 9. 5 9. 6 9. 7 Introduction The status of women Women's health status The lesbian/gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) client Men's health statusThe epidemiology of health for gay, bisexual and transgender men Conclusion LEARNING UNIT 10: CARE OF THE CLIENT IN THE WORK SETTING 10. 1 10. 2 10. 3 10. 4 10. 5 Introduction The objectives of occupational health The occupational health nurse's scope of practice Nursing care of working populations Conclusion LEARNING UNIT 11: THE OLDER ADULT 11. 1 11. 2 11. 3 11. 4 11. 5 11. 6 11. 7 11. 8 11. 9 11. 10 11. 11 11. 12 11. 13 11. 14 11. 15 11. 16 Introduction Age and physical changes Goals of health promotion Pattern of health perception-health management Nutritional metabolic patternElimination pattern Activity-exercise pattern Sleep-rest pattern Cognitive-perceptual pattern Self-perception-self-concept pattern Roles-relationships pattern Sexuality-reproductive pattern Coping-stress tolerance pattern and values-beliefs pattern Pathological processes Social processes Conclusion 60 60 61 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 67 68 68 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 PART 3: THE COMMUNITY AS CLIENT 75 LEARNING UNIT 12: HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE COMMUNITY 76 12. 1 12. 2 12. 3 12. 4 12. 5 12. 6 12. 7 12. 8 12. 9 12. 10 12. 11 12. 12 Introduction Definition of a communityDefining the term community health The community as a client Goals of community-oriented practice Strategies for improving community health Community partnerships Community-focused nursing process Planning Implementation Evaluation Conclusion 76 76 77 77 77 79 79 79 80 81 83 83 (vi) LEARNING UNIT 13: INTERVENTIONS FOR HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE FAMILY 13. 1 13. 2 13. 3 13. 4 13. 5 13. 6 13. 7 13. 8 13. 9 Introduction Definitions of health promotion Interventions for health promotion The purpose of health education The health educator Principles for health education Implementation of the educational planEvaluation of the educational process Conclusion LEARNING UNIT 14: ISSUES IN COMMUNITY HEALTH 14. 1 14. 2 14. 3 14. 4 14. 5 14. 6 14. 7 14. 8 Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) Tuberculosis (TB) Poverty Homelessness Violence Community resources Conclusion 84 84 84 85 85 86 88 89 89 90 92 92 92 93 94 94 95 95 97 BIBLIOGRAPHY 98 ANNEXURE A: FEEDBACK FOR SCENARIO IN LEARNING UNIT 3 ? LEARNING UNITS 4 ±12 99 ANNEXURE B: FACTS ABOUT IMMUNISATION 106 ANNEXUR E C: THE REVISED EXPANDED PROGRAMME ON IMMUNISATION IN SOUTH AFRICA (EPI-SA) SCHEDULE 08 ANNEXURE D: PLANS TO ADD TWO NEW VACCINES TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA AND DIARRHOEA IN BABIES 110 ANNEXURE E: PRIVATE VACCINES SCHEDULE 111 (vii) Welcome and ____________________________ introduction ____________________________ Welcome to this second-level module on health in communities. You will learn about the concepts and theories/models involved in community health to equip you with a theoretical foundation for this module. The aim of this module is to equip you with knowledge about the life span of the individual in order to give you skills to work with families in the community.You will also gain a holistic approach towards critical issues in the community. You should grow and develop into a competent and skilful practitioner who can identify needs and problems relating to family health and respond to them in an innovative way. Working through this module will enrich your life not only professi onally, but also personally. The nature of this study guide This study guide has been designed in an interactive way with the aim of guiding you through two prescribed books. As you work through this study guide you should integrate the information in the study guide with the information in your prescribed books.The Internet has a wealth of information and you are advised to use the Internet as often as possible to broaden your knowledge on certain topics. Prescribed books You are expected to purchase the following prescribed books for this module: Clark, MJ. 2008. Community health nursing: advocacy for population health. 5th edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Edelman, CL & Mandle, CL. 2006. Health promotion through the lifespan. 5th edition. St Louis: Mosby. Edelman and Mandle (2006) has very valuable information on health promotion and covers the entire life span, from birth to death.In addition to your study guide, this book is very important: you will find a wealth of information. Clark (2008) is a book on community health nursing that emphasises the dimensions model of community health nursing right through. This is a very valuable model which will help you to gain a holistic and systematic approach towards the individual, family and community. (viii) The information in these two books is complementary. Together with the study guide it will help you to gain the knowledge and skills you will need to supply health care to individuals, families and communities.Activities The activities are planned to either reinforce content, to guide you to tackle upcoming content, or to motivate you to think about issues. You will note that in part 2 of the study guide there is only one activity at the end of each learning unit: here we want you to apply the dimensions model of community health to a member of the family. Feedback on all these activities will be given in annexure A. This CMH2602 module runs parallel with the practice module for Community Health, CMH2126. The theory cannot be separated from the practice. IconsYou will find a series of icons in the text to guide you as you progress with your studies. Activity When you see this icon, you will know that you must complete an activity. We may ask you to read a specific section in the prescribed literature, apply given information, think about topics that have not been introduced, find your own information or ask other people for information. Please read the instructions carefully. Assessment criteria This icon indicates the questions that you can use to assess your own understanding of the work. These questions are adapted from the outcomes.You are told what you should do to prove that you have met the learning outcomes. Prescribed reading When you see this icon, study or read the prescribed book as indicated, before continuing with the next section. Learning outcome This icon tells you how you will benefit in the field of practice if you know the content of the specific learning unit. The outcomes tell you what you will be able to do after you have studied the work. h Feedback This icon tells you what was expected from you when you did the activity. It will not necessarily give you all the facts but will give you guidelines on how to answer the question.Not all of the activities will have feedback because many of the answers are given in your prescribed books. (ix) Conclusion This module is designed to enable you to work with families in the community. It is based on the needs and problems of the family. It covers individuals who are part of the family and the family as part of the community. After completion of this module, together with the practice module, you will be able to take responsibility for practising as an independent community nurse in any community setting. PART 1 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN COMMUNITY HEALTH 2 Learning unit 1Concepts and theories/ models in community health Outcomes Since theories/models provide you with the knowledge you nee d to practise community health in a scientific way, it is essential for you to be familiar with the various theories/models in the field to be able to apply them to community health. When you have worked through this learning unit you will be able to: * * * * 1. 1 describe various concepts in theoretical thinking explain selected theories/models in detail describe the key concepts and themes of the selected theories/models apply the theories/models to community healthIntroduction While we will discuss theories/models in general in this learning unit, we will also deal with several selected theories in more depth in order to indicate how they can be applied to community health. It is currently accepted that theories form the basis of community health. Since theories provide us with the knowledge we need to practise community health in a scientific way, it is essential for the community nurse to be familiar with the various theories/models in the field and to be able to apply them to community health. 1. 2 Theoretical thinking as a languageThe terms theory, model, conceptual framework, conceptual model are often used synonymously in literature. The literature reflects various conflicting opinions about the terms, their usage and meaning. According to Polit and Beck (2008:141) a conceptual model or a conceptual framework represents a more informal mechanism for organising and discussing phenomena or concepts, while theories are more formal in nature. Conceptual theories, frameworks and models are composed of concepts or constructs. These concepts or constructs are interdependent because they systematically demonstrate the relationship between variables.A model is a symbolic representation of concepts or variables with an interrelationship. A phenomenon is the abstract concept under study, often 3 used by qualitative researchers, while a concept is a description of the objects or events that form the basis of a theory. Both models and theories can describe and pre dict the relationship between phenomena. Models and theories are terms that are often used interchangeably in literature. The term theory is often used to refer to the subject content that student nurses must be taught in the lecture room to acquire the information they need to perform the nursing tasks in practice.Researchers such as Polit and Beck (2008:768) define theory as â€Å"an abstract generalisation that presents a systematic explanation about the relationships among phenomena†. Theories include principles for explaining, predicting and controlling phenomena. In all disciplines theories serve the same purpose. This purpose is to make scientific findings meaningful, and to make it possible to generalise. A theory is composed of concepts and constructs that are systematically related and that are also goal-oriented (Stanhope & Lancaster 2006:196). Types of traditional theories include grand theories and middle-range theories.Grand theories describe and explain large s egments of the human experience which are very broad. Middle-range theories explain more specific phenomena such as stress, self-care, health promotion and infant attachment. Metatheory is a term used to label theory about the theoretical process and theory development (Polit & Beck 2008:141). Metaparadigm refers to the main concepts that identify the phenomena or ideas of interest to a discipline, in this case the discipline of nursing. They provide the boundaries for the subject matter of the discipline.The metaparadigm concepts for nursing include person, environment, health and nursing (Clark 2008:67). However, current literature suggests that a four-concept metaparadigm for the discipline of nursing is too limited and suggests additional concepts such as transitions, interaction, nursing process, nursing therapeutics, self-care, adaptation, interpersonal relationships, goal attainment, caring, energy fields, human becoming and other concepts. The best-known and most used concep ts are however the first four: person, environment, health and nursing. 1. 3 Choosing a theory/model to apply to community ealth Choosing a suitable theory or model is not always an easy task ? especially when most theories are geared towards the care of individuals and were never designed to apply to groups or communities. The theory or model that is chosen must be flexible enough to be adapted to the community health situation and its aim must be to provide guidance for those who practise community health. The importance of the family or community network and the social network must both be clearly reflected, and the theory or model must be realistic and simple enough to understand and apply.In addition, the theory/model should harmonise with the community nurse's views about the individual, the environment, personal health and community health. You may find that the theory that is chosen may not always fulfil all your expectations and that it may also not be applicable to all cir cumstances. You may often be required to make adjustments or to develop your own personal model on the basis of existing theories. 4 Activity Explain why community health nursing should be based on a model or theory. h Feedback You should have considered the following points: * * * * * 1. 4A systematic approach is needed. Theories/models assist community nurses to evaluate health status and to plan, implement and evaluate effective nursing care. The model/theory used directs attention to relevant aspects of the client situation and to appropriate interventions. Epidemiologic models help in examining factors that influence health and illness. Nursing models suggest interventions to protect, improve and restore health. The dimensions model of community health nursing Clark's (2008:69) dimensions model of community health nursing is one of the few models designed for community health.This model is described in detail in your prescribed book (Clark 2008) and will therefore only be summa rised here. This model is a revision of the previously titled Epidemiologic Prevention Process Model. The dimensions model incorporates the nursing process and the levels of prevention as well as an epidemiologic perspective on the factors influencing health and illness. The dimensions model consists of three elements: the dimensions of health, the dimensions of health care and the dimensions of nursing. The dimensions of health include: * * * * * * the the the the the he biophysical dimension psychological dimension physical environmental dimension socio-cultural dimension behavioural dimension health system dimension The dimensions of health care include: * * * primary prevention secondary prevention tertiary prevention The dimensions of nursing include: * * * * cognitive dimension interpersonal dimension ethical dimension skills dimension 5 * * process dimension reflective dimension You should study this model to enable you to assess the health status of individuals, families or communities and to guide your nursing interventions.Prescribed book Study chapter 4 in Clark (2008, or later editions), on the dimensions model of community health nursing. Activity (1) Name the three elements of the dimensions model of community health nursing. (2) List the dimensions included in each element. (3) Give an example related to the dimensions in each element that addresses the health of a population group. 1. 5 Orem's self-care deficit theory of nursing Orem proposes a general theory of nursing which she calls the theory of self-care deficit. Orem's theory focuses on people's ability to practise self-care.The dominant theme of her philosophy of health is that people should be empowered and encouraged to practise their own self-care by means of their own efforts or with the help of significant others. Orem's self-care deficit theory of nursing consists of three interrelated theories: the theory of selfcare, the theory of self-care deficit and the theory of nursing syste ms. This theory is consistent with community health, based on the following premises: * * * Individuals and groups must accept responsibility for their own health and consequently care for themselves.The community nurse should provide the necessary training and support that will enable individuals or communities to do this. The community nurse should intervene only when a deficit or need arises in the selfcare framework. The World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly emphasises that self-care and selfresponsibility play an important role in achieving the goal of optimal health. 1. 5. 1 Theory of self-care In order to understand the theory of self-care, one must first understand the concepts of self-care, self-care agency, basic conditioning factors and therapeutic self-care demand.Self-care include those activities and decisions which a person undertakes in order to maintain life, health and well-being. These activities are acquired by learning, and they contribute to the mainten ance of human development and functioning. 6 Self-care agency refers to the ability of a person to exercise self-care in daily life. The ability to care for oneself is affected by basic conditioning factors: age, gender, developmental state, health state, socio-cultural factors, health care system factors, family system factors, patterns of living, environmental factors and resource adequacy and availability.Therapeutic self-care demand is the sum total of the measures which are called for at a particular time for the promotion and maintenance of health, development and general well-being. In the case of self-care, purposeful actions and steps are taken. Although selfcare should benefit an individual's health, his or her perception of self-care may not always promote good health, as is the case with a person who smokes in the belief that it reduces his or her stress levels. Self-care requisites refer to the reasons for which self-care is undertaken.The three categories of self-care requisites include universal, developmental, and health deviation. Universal self-care requirements include those processes which are essential for the normal functioning and maintenance of health and life, such as the following processes: * * * * * * having and maintaining sufficient fresh air/oxygen, water and food intake finding the balance between exercise and rest, and having social interaction avoiding dangers and obstacles that can compromise human functioning and well-being promoting human functioning and development in a group roviding care associated with elimination processes and personal hygiene keeping a balance between being alone and social interaction Developmental self-care requisites are divided into two categories: * * The first concerns the maintenance of those conditions which are favourable to a person's normal growth and development. The second is concerned with the prevention of those negative conditions, forces, influences and factors which can hinder and ob struct normal development. Awareness of such requirements reflects a person's level of development and his or her general capacity for self-care.Health deviation self-care is necessary for preventing illness, injury and retardation. It involves taking whatever steps are necessary for preventing or treating illness or disability effectively. The requisites for health deviation self-care include: * * * * * * seeking and securing appropriate medical assistance being conscious of and attending to the effects and results of pathologic conditions conducting medically prescribed diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative measures attending to or controlling the negative effects of prescribed medical treatment effectively ccepting oneself as being in a specific state of health and in need of particular forms of health care developing and sustaining health-optimising lifestyles 1. 5. 2 Theory of self-care deficit The theory of self-care deficit forms the core of Orem's general theory of nurs ing. According to this theory, an adult who is unable to practise self-care requires dependent care; this refers to an adult who does not have the ability to meet his or her own needs or 7 only has partial ability to take care of himself or herself. This may happen or example when a person falls ill and this illness generates new demands, requiring the implementation of complex measures and specialised knowledge. Orem cites the following examples of support or help which can be offered in such circumstances: * * * * * acting on behalf of a person or undertaking certain activities for this person until he or she can once again care for himself or herself more independently providing guidance and direction in the new situation providing physical and psychological support creating and maintaining a new environment which supports personal development providing appropriate relevant instructionsA self-care deficit occurs where there is a discrepancy between the need for self-care and the ability to manage this self-care. In such circumstances the individual needs to be assisted and educated to administer whatever self-care he or she may need. In short, a self-care deficit occurs when a person is unable to practise appropriate self-care on his or her own or without external assistance. 1. 5. 3 Theory of nursing systems The theory of nursing systems consists of two components: the nursing agency, and nursing systems.The nursing agency refers to the characteristics of people who are trained as nurses that enable them to act, to know and to help others meet their therapeutic self-care demands by developing their own self-care agency. Nursing systems are created when nurses use their knowledge and skills to plan and implement nursing care where there are deficiencies in self-care. The aim of intervention by the nurse is to compensate for the self-care activities which the individual, family or community cannot maintain at an optimal level. These compensatory activities a re classified into: * * *The wholly compensatory system where the community nurse becomes the self-care agent to compensate for the client's inability to maintain his or her own self-care. The community nurse cares for and supports the client wholly. For example, this would happen where a person is in a coma and cannot consciously look after himself or herself. The partly compensatory system where the client is capable of certain self-care measures but only to a limited degree. The aim of health care intervention is to lend support and carry out certain activities on behalf of the client until he or she is able to resume them again.The supportive/educational system where the client can manage self-care but needs the support and guidance of the community nurse. The community nurse regulates the selfcare agent's performance and development so that he or she can function more independently (George 2002:126). Activity (1) Describe the different components of the self-care deficit theory of nursing. 8 (2) Explain what is meant by a self-care deficit. (3) A mother and her two-month-old baby visit your clinic. The baby is not gaining sufficient weight and the mother appears tired and stressed. Identify the self-care deficit in this particular case. h FeedbackYou should have covered the following points in your answer: (1) The mother is not able to care for herself with the demands of a new baby. (2) She therefore needs health education and advice on how to handle the situation. 1. 6 Neuman's systems model/theory According to Neuman, her personal philosophy of helping each other live contributed to development of the holistic systems perspective of the her systems model. Neuman's theory is based on: * * the two main components of stress and the individual or his or her body's reaction to that stress the community's reaction to certain stress factors (stressors) in the environmentNeuman based her systems model on a general systems theory and regards the client as an op en system which reacts to stressors in the environment. Stressors may be intra-personal, inter-personal or extra-personal. Intra-personal stressors occur within the client system boundary and correlate with the internal environment (eg feelings such as anxiety or anger within a person). Inter-personal stressors occur outside the client system boundary and have an impact on the system (eg stimuli between people such as role expectations). Extrapersonal stressors also occur outside the ystem boundaries, but are further away from the system than the inter-personal stressors (eg work or finances). Environment includes all the external and internal influences that surround the client system. The external environment exists outside the client system and the internal environment exists within the client system: * * * * The client system contains a basic structure or core construct (individual, family community) which is protected by lines of resistance. The basic structure includes system variables such as physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, developmental and spiritual variables.Penetration of the basic structure results in death. The normal level of health is identified as the normal line of defence which refers to the client's usual state of wellness and represents stability over time. When the normal line of defence is invaded or penetrated, the client system reacts, for example with symptoms of illness. The flexible line of defence prevents stressors from invading the system and is a dynamic state of wellness that changes over time. It can for example be altered in a relatively short period of time by factors such as inadequate sleep or food.The lines of resistance protect the basic structure and become activated when the normal line of defence is penetrated by environmental stressors. If sufficient energy is 9 * available, the normal line of defence is restored; but if the lines of resistance are not effective, death may follow. Reconstitution involves stabilisation of the system and movement backwards to the normal line of defence. Health care intervention takes place in the prevention modalities, that is the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. (Clark (2008:67)) Prescribed reading Study Neuman's model in Clark (2008, or later editions).Activity (1) (2) (3) (4) Explain what Neuman means by client variables. Describe the concepts of line of resistance and normal line of defence. Describe Neuman's view on health. Define the term stressor. This theory/model can also be applied to community health because a preventive approach is followed and because of its flexibility. 1. 7 Pender's health promotion model Pender described a model which is applicable to community health in particular. This model is based on principles of health promotion and, to a certain extent, corresponds with the Health Belief Model.Pender's health promotion model comprises three basic concepts, namely individual perceptions, variables which can influence healthy behaviour and the probability that actions will be taken to promote health: * * * Individual perceptions include factors such as how important health is seen to be, perceptions on control and effectiveness, the definition of health, the state of health, the advantages inherent in preventive measures, and possible obstacles. Variables include factors such as demography, income, literacy, culture and family health patterns.The probability that action will take place includes matters such as ? ? ? ? how highly the person rates or values action any previous experience with health personnel the availability and affordability of preventive services the threat that the condition holds for the individual or family Prescribed reading Study Clark (2008, or later editions), the section on Pender's health promotion model. 10 Activity (1) Name the variables which can affect the preventive actions that a family and a community may take. (2) Write short notes on individual perce ptions and indicate how they can influence health-promoting actions.Pender's model is applicable to community health because the promotion of health is taken as the starting point and factors which influence the measures for promoting health are defined and emphasised. The model can guide and lead the community health nurse in promoting health. On the grounds of the variables and perceptions that are identified, she/he can make decisions on the degree of intervention that is necessary. For example a degree of knowledge and motivation may seem necessary to allow the community to take certain promotive actions, or to decide whether or not the available options are acceptable.The community health nurse's task could then be to give the community the necessary information or to influence them to modify perceptions that are detrimental to their health. Depending on the specific problems or behaviour that deviates from a healthy living pattern, the culture of the community, the level of li teracy and so on, the community health nurse can plan a programme or develop his or her own model based on Pender's promotive model. (Clark 2008:257) 1. 8 Gordon's functional health pattern frameworkHistorically, conceptual models in nursing have employed Gordon's health-related behaviours and developed them into an assessment model with 11 functional health patterns. Your prescribed book (Edelman & Mandle 2006) uses this framework throughout in the assessment of each developmental stage. The 11 functional health patterns include: * * * * * * * * * * * pattern of health perception-health management nutritional-metabolic pattern elimination pattern activity-exercise pattern sleep-rest pattern cognitive-perceptual pattern self-perception-self-concept pattern roles-relationships pattern sexuality-reproductive pattern oping-stress tolerance pattern values-beliefs pattern (Edelman & Mandle 2006:131) Read Edelman and Mandle (2006 or later edition), the section on functional health pattern s: assessment of the individual. 11 1. 9 Conclusion Various theories/models applicable to community health were discussed in this learning unit. It is very important that you as a community health nurse have an understanding of these theories/models and how they could be applied to community health. Assessment criteria (1) Define the following terms: ? ? ? ? ? theory model conceptual framework phenomenon concept (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) Define the different constructs of Orem's theory. Explain the defence mechanism in Neuman's theory. Describe the principles on which Pender's promotion of health model are based. Name the three elements of the dimensions model of community health nursing. Name the dimensions of the dimension of health in the dimensions model of community health nursing. (7) List the functional health patterns in Gordon's functional health pattern framework. Note: Application of selected models/theories will be assessed in part 2 of the study guide. 12 PART 2 THE INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY AS CLIENT 14 Learning unit 2The family as client Outcomes When you have worked through this learning unit you will be able to: * * * * * * * 2. 1 describe the concept of family describe the structure of the family describe different family types and their characteristic features describe the stages of family development discuss family functions describe the family as a social system discuss cultural values in the family Introduction The family is the basic social unit in any community. Family members usually share living arrangements, responsibilities, goals, the continuity of generations, and a sense of belonging and affection.How well a family works together and meets any crisis depends on the composition of the family (the structure), the activities or roles performed by family members (the functioning) and how well the family is able to organise itself against potential threats. 2. 2 Describing the concept of family Clark (2008:318) states: â€Å"A family is a compo sed of two or more persons who are joined by bonds of sharing and emotional closeness and who identify themselves as being part of the family. Unlike those of other social systems, family relationships are characterized by intimacy, emotional intensity, and persistence over time. ‘ Santrock (2006:216) states: â€Å"[The family is] a social system, a constellation of subsystems defined in terms of generation, gender and role. Divisions of labour among family members define particular sub-units, and attachments define others. Each family member is a participant in several subsystems. Some are dyadic (involving two people) some polyadic (involving more than two people). † Stanhope and Lancaster (2006:322) refer to the following definition: â€Å"A family refers to two or more individuals who depend on one another for emotional, physical, and/or financial support.The members of the family are self-defined. † 15 Activity Ask different members of the multi-disciplinary health team to define family. Analyse the responses for similarities and differences. 2. 3 Structure of the family Family structure is the organised pattern or hierarchy of members that determines how they interact. Components of a family structure include the role of each family member and how they complement each other, the family's value system, communication patterns and power hierarchy. The family structure influences the way that a family functions. Allender & Spradley 2005:526) The genogram shows family information graphically in order to view complex family patterns over a period of time, usually three generations or more. d. 1956 Heart Peg 71 Housewife Al 72 Grocer Sue Housewife John Steelworker d. 1982 Cancer Mark 37 Engineer Jan 36 Housewife Jim 9 Jack 46 Mechanic Mary 16 Pat 41 Waitress Married 1979 Steve 18 Clerk Earl 17 Student Detroit Fig 2. 1 Genogram Source: Allender & Spradley (2005:528) Nan 4 Married 1977 Divorced 1979 Joe 45 Teacher Sam 20 Student Lou 13 Los Ang eles Married 1983 Ann 39 Nurse Pam 11 16 ActivityDraw a genogram of your own family. 2. 4 Types of families There are many family types and a family type may change over time as it is affected by birth, work, death, divorce and the growth of family members. * * * * * * * The nuclear conjugal family. The traditional nuclear family structure consists of a husband, wife and children. Most young people move away from their parents when they marry and form nuclear families (no grandparents, aunts or uncles live in the home). The nuclear family is found in all ethnic and socio-economic groups, and is accepted by most religions.Today the number of nuclear families is declining as a result of the increase in divorce, single parenthood and remarriage, the acceptance of alternative lifestyles, and greater disparity. The extended (multi-generational) family. The extended family includes the nuclear family as well as other family members such as grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousin s and grandchildren. The advantage of such a family is that it means more people may serve as resources during crises and also provides more role models for behaviour and learning values. The single parent family.Single parent families consist of an adult woman or man and a child or children. Single parent families result from divorce, out-of-wedlock pregnancies, absence or death of a spouse, or adoption by a single person. A health problem in a single parent family is almost always a serious matter, because there is no backup person for childcare when the parent is ill. The blended family. The term blended family refers to a remarriage or a reconstituted family, where a divorced or widowed person with children marries someone who also has children of his or her own.Children of blended families are exposed to different ways of living and also have increased security and resources. They may become more adaptable to new situations. However, rivalry may arise among the children for the attention of a parent or there may be competition with the step-parent for the love of the biological parent. The communal family. The communal family is made up of groups of people who have chosen to live together as an extended family group. Their relationships with each other are motivated by social values or interests rather than by kinship.Because of the number of people present, members may have few set traditional family roles. The values of commune members are often religiously or spiritually based and may be more oriented to freedom and free choice than those of a traditional family structure. The cohabitation family. The cohabiting family consists of two persons who are living together, but remain unmarried. They may be heterosexual or homosexual. Some such relationships are temporary but others are long-lasting. Reasons for cohabitation include the desire for a trial marriage, the increased safety that results from living together and financial factors.The single allianc e family. Many single young adults live together in shared apartments, dormitories or homes for companionship and financial security. Although these relationships are often temporary, they have the same characteristics as cohabitation families. 17 * * The homosexual family. The homosexual family is a form of cohabitation where a same sex couple live together and share a sexual relationship. Such a relationship offers support in times of crisis that is comparable with that offered by a traditional nuclear or cohabitation family. The foster family. Children whose parents are unable to care for them are laced in a foster home by a child protection agency. Foster parents usually receive remuneration for their care. Foster families may also include the parents' own biological or adopted children. Foster care is theoretically temporary until children can be returned to their own parents (Clark 2008:318). Prescribed reading Read Clark (2008, or later edition), types of families. 2. 5 Stage s of family development Stage 1: Beginning family During this first stage of family development, members work to accomplish three specific tasks: * * * to establish a mutually satisfying relationship to learn to relate well to their families of origin f applicable, to engage in reproductive life planning The first stage of family life is a tenuous one, as evidenced by the high rate of divorce or separation of partners at this stage. The time frame for this stage extends from marriage to the birth of the first child. Stage 2: The early child-bearing family The birth or adoption of a first child is usually an exciting yet stressful event in a family. It requires economic and social role changes. The duration of this stage is from the birth or adoption of the first child to 30 months after this date. The following developmental tasks are usually accomplished during this stage: * * * he establishment of a stable family unit the reconciliation of conflict regarding developmental tasks fa cilitating developmental tasks of family members Stage 3: The family with pre-school children A family with pre-school children is a busy family as children at this age demand a great deal of time related to growth and developmental needs and safety: accidents are a major health concern at this stage. The time frame for this stage is when the oldest child is two to five years of age. Developmental tasks during this stage include: * * * integration of second or third child socialisation of children beginning of separation from children 18Stage 4: The family with school-age children Parents of school-age children have the major responsibility of preparing their children to be able to function in a complex world. At the same time they have to maintain their own satisfying marriage relationship ? this can be a difficult time for a family. Many families need the support of tertiary services such as friends, church organisations or counselling. The time frame for the family with school-ag e children is when the oldest child is 6 to 13 years old. Developmental tasks during this stage include: * * * separation from children to a greater degree fostering education and socialisation aintenance of marriage Stage 5: The family with teenage/adolescent children The primary goal for parents with teenagers differs considerably from that of the previous developmental stages. Family ties must now be loosened to allow adolescents more freedom and prepare them for life on their own. Rapid technological advances have increased the gap between generations ? this can make stage 5 a trying time for both parents and children. Violence, accidents, homicide and suicide are the major causes of death in adolescents ? and death rates from HIV are growing. This places a still greater responsibility on the family.The time frame for this stage is when the eldest child is 13 to 20 years of age. Developmental tasks of this stage include the following: * * * maintenance of marriage development of new communication channels maintenance of standards Stage 6: The launching centre family For many parents this stage when children leave to establish their own households is the most difficult. It appears as though the family is breaking up and parental roles change from those of mother and father to guideposts. The parents may experience a loss of self-esteem as they feel themselves replaced by other people.For the first time they may start feeling old and less able to cope with responsibilities. The time frame for this stage is from the time the first child leaves home to the time the last child leaves home. The following developmental tasks should be accomplished during stage 6: * * * * * promotion of independence integration of in-law children restoring of marital relationship developing of outside interests assisting own aging parents Stage 7: The family of middle years At this stage a family returns to a two-partner nuclear family, as before childbearing.Some partners see thi s stage as the prime time of their lives with the opportunity to do things they never had time or finances for, such as travelling and hobbies. Others may experience this time as a period of gradual decline without the constant activity and stimulation of children in the home and may experience the â€Å"empty nest† syndrome. Support people may 19 also not be as plentiful as earlier in the parents' lives. The time frame for this stage is from the time the last child leaves to retirement. Developmental tasks for this stage include: * * * developing leisure activities provision of a healthy environment ustaining a satisfying relationship with children and grandchildren Stage 8: The family in retirement or older age The number of families of retirement age is increasing rapidly, with people living longer as a result of advanced technology, medical research and increasing health consciousness. Family members of this group are, however, more apt to suffer from chronic and disablin g conditions than people in the younger age groups. The time frame for this stage lasts from retirement to death. Developmental tasks include the following (Clark 2008:323): * * * maintaining satisfying living arrangements adjusting to reduced income djusting to loss of spouse Prescribed reading Study Duvall's and Carter and McGoldrick's stages of family development in Clark (2008, or later editions). 2. 6 The family as social system All families share certain characteristics. Every family is a social system with its own cultural values, specific roles, functions and structure and each family moves through recognisable developmental stages. A social system consists of a group of people who share common characteristics and who are mutually dependent. What affects one member affects the whole family, and vice versa. Families have certain features that differ from other social systems: * * * Families last longer than many other social systems. Families are inter-generational social sys tems consisting of three or sometimes four generations. Family systems include both biological and affinal relationships (relationships created by law or interest). Biological aspects of family relationships create links to a larger kin group that are not found in other social systems. A social network support map gives a detailed display of the quality and quantity of social connections. The community nurse can use this to help the family understand its support systems and to form a basis for nursing interventions. 20 Fig 2. Social network support map Source: Allender & Spradley (2005:528) 2. 7 Cultural values in the family The cultural values in a family can have a major influence on how a family views health and health care systems. Each new generation takes on the values of the previous generation, passing traditions and cultures from generation to generation. A family's cultural values and behaviours can either facilitate or impede the promotion of health and prevention of dise ase. Prescribed reading Read Clark (2008, or later editions), the chapter on the cultural context. Activity (1) Apply the four principles of cultural assessment to the family. 2) Discuss culturally competent care. h Feedback Note the following points: 21 (1) You needed to view the culture in the context in which it developed, examine the underlying premise of culturally determined behaviour and the meaning of behaviour in the cultural context. There is a need to recognise intercultural variation. (2) You needed to define cultural competence, consider the characteristics and challenges of cultural competence and the modes of culturally competent care. 2. 8 Family functions Family functions are the activities that a family performs to meet the needs of its members.These needs include basic needs such as food, clothes, housing, emotional support and guidance. All families ? regardless of the type of family ? have in common these basic needs that require a family to function in certain ways to ensure family survival. As the social system changes, the family system has to adapt if it is to meet individual needs and equip its members to participate in the social system. The family is a hierarchical system which is usually built on kinship, power, status and privileged relationships that may be related to age, gender, personality and health. All family functions can be reduced to two basic ones: * *

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Points on Proper Usage for Proper Nouns

5 Points on Proper Usage for Proper Nouns 5 Points on Proper Usage for Proper Nouns 5 Points on Proper Usage for Proper Nouns By Mark Nichol What’s in a name? Any one of many complications, apparently. Here are some rules about how to style proper nouns: 1. Capitalizing People’s Names Several writers and artists (or their publishers) have been identified in print with their names styled in all lowercase letters. That’s all well and good for their own books or albums, but otherwise their names should play by the rules: It’s â€Å"E. E. Cummings,† not â€Å"e e cummings.† The same goes for writer Bell Hooks, singer K. D. Lang, and others. 2. Case in Corporate and Product Names Starting in the 1990s, high tech corporations started getting high-techy with their identities and with names of products and services by employing names starting with lowercase letters, capitalizing the first letter of the second element of a closed compound, or both. (The technique had been used in isolation for several decades but became trendy only at the close of the twentieth century.) Popularly known as camel case (from the humplike uppercase letter in the middle of the word), this style was probably inspired by early programming languages, which often distinguished each new term within a word string devoid of letter spaces by capitalizing it. Technically, the style of names with both initial and medial capitalization, such as YouTube, is called Pascal case, after the programming language Pascal, while the term â€Å"camel case† applies to names such as eBay with lowercase initial letters and medial capitalization. Sometimes, a fine line is drawn between honoring these unconventional conventions and unnecessarily indulging corporate branding. In the case of camel case and Pascal case, retain the aberrant styling, but some style guides recommend recasting sentences to avoid beginning them with a word starting with a lowercase letter. 3. Names as Distinguished from Logos However, distinguish between company names and their logos: Omit the exclamation point when referring to Yahoo unless you’re effusive or indignant. Also, a simple hyphen can stand in for the stylized asterisk in E-Trade’s name, and though the company’s copyright statement uses all uppercase letters, nothing requires you to apply this inelegant form. And never apply a symbol for a registered trademark or service mark to the name of any corporate entity or its products unless your company is partnering with that firm and the partnership dictates such a courtesy. 4. Initials in People’s Names Should you insert letter spaces between a person’s first and middle initials? As with many other niggling details, it depends on the type of publications. Most books and many magazines separate initials (â€Å"A. B. See†), while less formal publications don’t; newspapers tend to be minimalistic. The same rule holds for more than two initials (â€Å"J. B. S. Haldane†). But when a well-known figure is identified by first, middle, and last initials alone, omit both letter spaces and periods: â€Å"JFK.† 5. Particles in People’s Names When referring to a person with a name that includes such particles as De, Von, and Mac or their variants, consult to a biographical dictionary to confirm the capitalization style and whether they are separated from the name’s principal element; most of them (including Mac) can vary in both regards from one person to another. Whether to retain the particle when referring to someone by last name alone is a complicated issue; the answer varies by language, by tradition, and by publication. (In the case of a lowercase particle traditionally retained, when the surname appears alone, such as a subsequent reference to Vincent van Gogh, preserve this style except at the beginning of a sentence.) If you’re writing or editing for a particular publication, consult the appropriate style guide about this issue, or trust the publication’s editors to conform your usage to their style. If you’re self-publishing in print or online, investigate current usage and make your own choice. Either way, be consistent. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleHow to spell "in lieu of"20 Names of Body Parts and Elements and Their Figurative Meanings

Monday, October 21, 2019

Connective Tissue Types and Examples

Connective Tissue Types and Examples As the name implies, connective tissue serves a connecting function. It supports and binds other tissues in the body. Unlike epithelial tissue, which has cells that are closely packed together, connective tissue typically has cells scattered throughout an extracellular matrix of fibrous proteins and glycoproteins attached to a basement membrane. The primary elements of connective tissue include a ground substance, fibers, and cells. There are three main groups of connective tissues:Loose connective tissue holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.Dense connective tissue helps attach muscles to bones and link bones together at joints.Specialized connective tissue encompasses a number of different tissues with specialized cells and unique ground substances. Some are solid and strong, while others are fluid and flexible. Examples include adipose, cartilage, bone, blood, and lymph. The ground substance acts as a fluid matrix that suspends the cells and fibers within the particular connective tissue type. Connective tissue fibers and matrix are synthesized by specialized cells called fibroblasts. There are three main groups of connective tissues: loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and specialized connective tissue. Loose Connective Tissue This image of loose connective tissue shows collagenous fibers (red), elastic fibers (black), matrix, and fibroblasts (cells that produce the fibers). Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images In vertebrates, the most common type of connective tissue is loose connective tissue. It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues. Loose connective tissue is named so because of the weave and type of its constituent fibers. These fibers form an irregular network with spaces between the fibers. The spaces are filled with ground substance. The three main types of loose connective fibers include collagenous, elastic, and reticular fibers. Collagenous fibers are made of collagen and consist of bundles of fibrils that are coils of collagen molecules. These fibers help to strengthen connective tissue.Elastic fibers  are made of the protein elastin and are stretchable.  They help to give connective tissue elasticity.Reticular fibers  join connective tissues to other tissues. Loose connective tissues provide support, flexibility, and strength required to support internal organs and structures such as blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. Dense Connective Tissue This image of the dermis of the skin shows dense fibrous connective tissue. Irregular collagenous fibers (pink) and fibroblast nuclei (purple) can be seen. Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images Another type of connective tissue is dense or fibrous connective tissue, which can be found in tendons and ligaments. These structures help attach muscles to bones and link bones together at joints. Dense connective tissue is composed of large amounts of closely packed collagenous fibers. In comparison to loose connective tissue, dense tissue has a higher proportion of collagenous fibers to ground substance. It is thicker and stronger than loose connective tissue and forms a protective capsule layer around organs such as the liver and kidneys. Dense connective tissue can be categorized into dense regular, dense irregular, and elastic connective tissues. Dense regular: Tendons and ligaments are examples of dense regular connective tissue.Dense irregular: Much of the dermis layer of the skin is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. The membrane capsule surrounding several organs is also dense irregular tissue.Elastic: These tissues enable stretching in structures such as arteries, vocal cords, the trachea, and bronchial tubes in the lungs. Specialized Connective Tissues This image shows a sample of fat tissue with fat cells (adipocytes, blue) surrounded by fine strands of supportive connective tissue. Adipose tissue forms an insulating layer under the skin, storing energy in the form of fat. Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Specialized connective tissues include a number of different tissues with specialized cells and unique ground substances. Some of these tissues are solid and strong, while others are fluid and flexible. Examples include adipose, cartilage, bone, blood, and lymph. Adipose Tissue Adipose tissue is a form of loose connective tissue that stores fat. Adipose lines organs and body cavities to protect organs and insulate the body against heat loss. Adipose tissue also produces endocrine hormones that influence activities such as blood clotting, insulin sensitivity, and fat storage. The primary cells of adipose are adipocytes. These cells store fat in the form of triglycerides. Adipocytes appear round and swollen when fat is being stored and shrink as fat is used. Most adipose tissue is described as white adipose which functions in the storage of energy. Both brown and beige adipose burn fat and produce heat. Cartilage This micrograph shows hyaline cartilage, a semi-rigid connective tissue from a human trachea (windpipe). Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Cartilage is a form of fibrous connective tissue that is composed of closely packed collagenous fibers in a rubbery gelatinous substance called chondrin. The skeletons of sharks and human embryos are composed of cartilage. Cartilage also provides flexible support for certain structures in adult humans including the nose, trachea, and ears. There are three different types of cartilage, each with different characteristics. Hyaline cartilage is the most common type and is found in areas such as the trachea, ribs, and nose. Hyaline cartilage is flexible, elastic, and surrounded by a dense membrane called perichondrium. Fibrocartilage is the strongest type of cartilage and composed of hyaline and dense collagen fibers. It is inflexible, tough, and located in areas such as between vertebrae, in some joints, and in heart valves. Fibrocartilage does not have perichondrium. Elastic cartilage contains elastic fibers and is the most flexible type of cartilage. It is found in locations such as the ear and larynx (voice box). Bone Tissue This micrograph shows cancellous (spongy) bone from a vertebra. Cancellous bone is characterized by a honeycomb arrangement, comprising a network of trabeculae (rod-shaped tissue). These structures provide support and strength to the bone. Susumu Nishinaga/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Bone is a type of mineralized connective tissue that contains collagen and calcium phosphate, a mineral crystal. Calcium phosphate gives bone its firmness. There are two types of bone tissue: spongy and compact. Spongy bone, also called cancellous bone, gets its name because of its spongy appearance. The large spaces, or vascular cavities, in this type of bone tissue contain blood vessels and bone marrow. Spongy bone is the first bone type formed during bone formation and is surrounded by compact bone. Compact bone, or cortical bone, is strong, dense, and forms the hard outer bone surface. Small canals within the tissue allow for the passage of blood vessels and nerves. Mature bone cells, or osteocytes, are found in compact bone. Blood and Lymph This is a micrograph of a group of red blood cells (erythrocytes) traveling through an arteriole (small branch of an artery). P.M. Motta S. Correr/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Interestingly enough, blood is considered to be a type of connective tissue. Like other connective tissue types, blood is derived from mesoderm, the middle germ layer of developing embryos. Blood also serves to connect other organ systems together by supplying them with nutrients and transporting signal molecules between cells. Plasma is the extracellular matrix of blood with red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets suspended in the plasma. Lymph is another type of fluid connective tissue. This clear fluid originates from blood plasma that exits blood vessels at capillary beds. A component of the lymphatic system, lymph contains immune system cells that protect the body against pathogens. Lymph is delivered back to blood circulation via lymphatic vessels. Animal Tissue Types In addition to connective tissue, other tissue types of the body include: Epithelial Tissue: This tissue type covers body surfaces and lines body cavities providing protection and allowing for the absorption and secretion of substances.Muscle Tissue: Excitable cells capable of contraction allow muscle tissue to generate body movement.Nervous Tissue: This primary tissue of the nervous system allows for communication between various organs and tissues. It is composed of neurons and glial cells. Sources Animal Tissues - Bone. Atlas of Plant and Animal Histology, Animal Tissues - Cartilage. Atlas of Plant and Animal Histology, Stephens, Jacqueline M. The Fat Controller: Adipocyte Development. PLoS Biology, vol. 10, no. 11, 2012, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001436.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How the Lufthansa Heist Put the Mob in the Headlines

How the Lufthansa Heist Put the Mob in the Headlines If youve seen the movie Goodfellas, you already know the basic story: On December 11, 1978, a team of thieves led by an associate of the Lucchese crime family stole $6 million in cash and jewelry from the Lufthansa Airlines vault at Kennedy Airport. At the time, it was the most ambitious robbery in American history, and it still counts as one of the largest cash hauls ever, anywhere in the world.   The Genesis of the Lufthansa Heist Theres a reason employers dont like their workers to get involved with the mob: once youre in hock, theres no telling what youll give up to save your life. In the fall of 1978, a Kennedy Airport employee named Louis Werner owed $20,000 in gambling debts to a Mafia-associated bookie named Martin Krugman; to worm his way out, he gave Krugman a tip about a huge shipment of cash about to be shipped to New York by the German airline Lufthansa. (The money derived from monetary exchanges in West Germany used by American tourists and servicemen.) Krugman, in turn, told his fellow mob associate Henry Hill, who passed along the information to master thief Jimmy Burke (the latter two were portrayed by Ray Liotta and Robert de Niro, respectively, in Goodfellas). Beyond passing along the initial tip, Louis Werner was instrumental in successfully pulling off the Lufthansa heist, since he actually worked at Kennedy Airport. He gave the Burke crew a master key, briefed them on the names of the employees who would be working the day of the heist, and even told them the best place to park their getaway car. Before they could spring into action, though, the robbers had to square things away with the Five Families of New York: the Lucchese family backed the operation, but the Gambino family insisted on placing one of its own soldiers with the crew and the Bonnano family demanded a cut of the proceeds, since Kennedy Airport was technically on its turf. The Day of the Heist Oddly enough, given its centrality to the movies plot, Martin Scorsese doesnt actually depict the Lufthansa heist in Goodfellas; all he gives audiences is a shot of Ray Liotta celebrating in the shower as the robbery is reported on the radio. In any event, the heist went off amazingly smoothly: at three oclock in the morning, Burkes crew burst into the Kennedy Airport facility, rounded up the employees (without, thankfully, actually killing anybody) and loaded 40 parcels of cash into their waiting van, and then sternly warned their hostages not to alert the authorities for 15 minutes. Why 15 minutes? Because Louis Werner made sure to tell Burke that Port Authority police could seal off Kennedy Airport (which is the size of a small city) within 90 seconds of a distress call. But heres where things began to get sloppy. The robbers drove to Jimmy Rourkes garage in Canarsie, Brooklyn, and loaded the money into another vehicle that was then driven to a safe house (no one knows exactly where) by Burke and his son. But rather than taking the original car to a junkyard in New Jersey, where it was supposed to be immediately compacted, getaway driver Parnell Stacks Edwards chose to get high instead in his girlfriends apartment, parking the van carelessly on the street outside. By morning, the police had the van in custody, and Edwards fled into the night, his fingerprints still on the steering wheel. The Bloody Aftermath of the Lufthansa Heist Not a sentimental man in the best of times, Jimmy Burke, in possession of $6 million in cash, was driven to murderous paranoia in the aftermath of the Lufthansa heist. It didnt take long for the police to put two and two together and identify the Burke crew as the likely culprits; they wired Burkes lounge, tapped the pay phones out on the street, and even followed members of the gang in black helicopters. In order to cover his tracks, Burke went on a killing spree. The first to go was Stacks Edwards (executed in his home, in a scene memorably recreated in Goodfellas with Joe Pesci and Samuel L. Jackson); the body of Martin Krugman was never found; and at least seven other people associated with the heist also wound up whacked or missing. In the end, despite its  reams of surveillance, the FBI was never able to definitively connect the Burke gang with the Lufthansa heist, and the money was never recovered. (Ironically, the only person ever convicted for the robbery was Louis Werner, the inside man who had made the entire scheme possible.) As for Jimmy Burke, he wound up jailed by the feds for his involvement in a college basketball point-shaving scam. and was then slapped with another 20 years for the murder of Richard Eaton (a low-level mob associate who was briefly depicted in Goodfellas frozen stiff and hanging off a meat hook). Burke died of cancer in 1996, and Henry Hill in 2012, meaning that we may never know how many houses, sports cars, fur coats and home theaters the cash from the Lufthansa heist wound up funding.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What steps do you think can be taken to overcome corruption in the Essay

What steps do you think can be taken to overcome corruption in the management of schools and how far do you think these would be effective - Essay Example ake the distinction that while corruption is nowhere near a predominant of a problem in the education sector as it is in other realms of public life, it is impermissible and abhorrent in this sector because of its moral implications of educational enterprise. There are various types of corruptions in schools and steps need to be taken in order to overcome them. This easy will look at various scenarios that can be classified as corruption in the management in schools. It will also discuss the steps that need to be undertaken to overcome corruption and their effectiveness. Public education is education mandate for the children of the general public by the government, whether national, regional or local provided by an institution of civil government, and paid for, in whole or in part, by taxes. These public schools are prone to mismanagement and corruption just like any other government institution. Government may make a public policy decision that it wants to have some financial resources distributed in support of, and it may want to have some control over, the provision of education, which is not public education. Grants-in-aid of private schools, and voucher systems all provide examples of publicly funded education, which is not public education. Conversely, a public school (including ones run by school districts) may rely heavily on non-public funding (such as high fees or private donations) but still be considered public by virtue of public ownership and control. The Board of Governor who gets appointed to the board of governor abuses their powers. For example where the board of governors appoints a principal where they uses him to further their interests. The board of governor dictates the principal on how to run the school and even when it come to procurements in the school, the board dictates where it is to be done. The school boards most often are put together for the sake of formality. Lack of school autonomy, I strongly feel that it is ambiguity that

Country Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Country Analysis - Essay Example The network identifies a business opportunity, amasses the capital and influences the investors to start a business in a viable market. Additionally, through the network the investors have increased control of the operations of the companies since the business owners elect a board of governors and appoint the chief executive among other influential individuals to run the companies. The American companies operating in France through such networks include LeBlanc Corporation, Allied Signal Laminate system, Trane Company and L.B White Company among others. Notably, the above companies belong to business people from the state of Wisconsin. LeBlanc, formerly known as the Noblet firm is a leading manufacturer of wind instruments in Europe. The company operates in a unique market targeting the elite societies in Europe who prefer the use of clean energy. The business that began in France’s LaCouture Boussey village has expanded its operation and is currently accessing other marketing in the region. Communication in the company occurs in French a feature that influences the operations of the company. Notably, the company further accesses other French speaking countries besides France such as Belgium and Quebec among others. The presence of the US chamber of commerce in France has therefore pioneered economic growth in the country since such business networks seek to intensify economic activities in the country. The development of such companies as Noblet firm currently known as the LeBlanc in 1904 portrays the fact that the business networks began early in time and have pioneered the growth of numerous companies in France thereby contributing to the economy of the country (Joseph, 1918). The expansion of markets as fostered by the American chamber of commerce in France helps grow the economies of both countries. By setting up companies in foreign countries, the networks provide

Friday, October 18, 2019

ROWE Program at Best Buy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ROWE Program at Best Buy - Term Paper Example Hellreigh and Slocum (2011) stated ‘ROWE is all about results. Â   No results, no job’ (p. 553). ROWE program displays a culture of more personal life friendly atmosphere. It was implemented and demonstrated at the Best Buy headquarters in Minneapolis. In the year 2009, Best Buy replicated this program to its retail stores. The ROWE program is aimed at building employees’ competencies so that they become better managers of their work and time. The program gave the employees a sense of power over their work and provided a paradigm shift from how work is completely to only the work results. The change made the employees more flexible in terms of work-life balance, which boosted employee morale. Managers now have a sense of accountability regarding the part they have played to create stress free environment for their employees. Discuss the resistance, both organization and individual, which the ROWE program had to overcome. Immediately after the ROWE program was lau nched, there was resistance from the employees in the program implementation. The management thought that too much flexibility was being given to the employees and they could not handle it. There was an issue of whether the program was fair to the employees regardless of the department they worked in. For the individuals, they were simply moving from known to unknown and they were not sure of what lay ahead. They felt that their way of work was being interfered with and they had to figure out another way to get ahead. Organizations in Best Buy had to change they was of production. The managers could no longer set up work without proper and adequate planning. They had to devise ways of assigning employees work. Then get the job done without having the workers working longer hours than was necessary.... ROWE Program at Best Buy The organizational development approach of Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) was adopted by Best Buy in 2003. A good organizational culture is a result of sharing core values among employees of an organization. Prior to ROWE program, there was minimum sharing of values among the Best Buy employees. The negative working environment prevalent in the organization hindered the work bond among employees. There was not much time available for employees to interact since each was busy trying to beat deadlines and working overtime. A survey conducted to verify the attitude of ROWE participants found out that the participants’ feeling of pressure and a sense of working hard had killed the creative ability to initiate and develop a participative culture. Stunted growth and insecurity had been created by the lack of interaction, brought about by lack of time and too much fixation with the individual work. It goes without saying that no organization can effectively achieve its mission and objective if the organizational culture is improperly balance. A source of stress that is evident in this case is the work-life balance by the employees of Best Buy. Initially, they were not able to balance work and their personal life. Thus, both of them were negatively affected, to the point that results produced were not optimal. The pressure of having to spend long hours working to get ahead created work stress which some employees could not cope with.

Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Executive Summary - Essay Example Once this is achieved, the productivity will be enhanced automatically. This approach was selected to solve the problem of the Polska Pipe Works and make it a successful joint venture between the Americans and thee Polish because the pros of this approach far outweigh the cons. The approach would improve communication system which in turn, will enable the management to identify issues in their nascent stage by addressing them immediately. This will eradicate differences between the management and the employees and a culture of mutual harmony would materialize. The threat of this approach was of the opportunity cost of resources and time which were to be allocated to the various production aspects. This challenge has been met by staging the approach into six parts, and preparing a schedule covering 14 months for that. This planning and scheduling helps lower the costs of resources. This paper discusses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of establishing a joint venture named â€Å"Polska Pipe Works† in Poland between a renowned American company named â€Å"Stewer Technologies† and a Polish company. The strengths of the business include an opportunity for the Polish to benefit from the experience and technological expertise of the Americans. The weaknesses of the business include difficulty of cultural integration and addressing of the employees’ motivational concerns. Opportunities include government support to the foreign investors in Poland, and huge market value of the product. Threats include lost quality of work and productivity because of the weaknesses of a joint venture between the Americans and the Polish. While the American employees are facing difficulty adjusting in the Polish culture, Polish workers are more concerned about benefits of working with the American employer than learning skills

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Technology in classrooms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology in classrooms - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, there has been a challenge in trying to get teachers to be comfortable and secure with their technology skills. This is particularly common with practical subjects such as social studies where technology applications would be used for tutoring purposes (Shriner et al., 2010). There has been a categorization of issues, which influence integration of technology into classrooms; they are curricular, social, environmental and personal aspects; moreover, environmental aspects refer to elements such as administrative support by the school, hardware and software. The social aspect focuses on the significance of communities, to support technology in classrooms. The personal aspect relates to the individual viewpoint on technology by teachers and their willingness to adapt it. Lastly, curricular aspects relate to use of technology in specific tutorial settings. That is, how the learning materials are linked with the course plans (Lih-Juan, 2007). It is widely agreeable among dif ferent social communities and educators that educational practices need to prepare students to flourish in the dynamic technological world, as it has gained acceptance. Hence, teachers are required to embrace technology and be willing to familiarize themselves with it. This will not only boost their confidence but also improve their teaching experiences as when applied effectively, technology enhances student learning, promotes shared learning and motivates them to seek more knowledge outside the classroom (Hubbel et al., 2012). In a bid to encourage teachers to familiarize themselves with technology advances in the classroom, various learning institutions have asked teachers to view them as a means of further developing themselves professionally; thus, this will advance their skills and knowledge. On the other hand, the learning institutions need to avail the necessary technologies to the teachers and ensure they are up-to-date whilst making their teaching schedules flexible enough for them to take the time to learn (Lih-Juan, 2007). Teaching tools that have come up due to advances in technology As aforementioned, there are the basic teaching tools that have been incorporated: the internet, LCD projectors, smart boards, document cameras and digital cameras. The internet is obviously the most widely used; teachers use it to access Web-based resources. The others offer visual assistance in the classrooms, which is the key in deepening understanding. The LCD projector is mounted in classrooms, for teachers to deliver Power Point presentations, share videos and other activities; moreover, it allows information from a single computer to be usable in a large group setting. Over time, this has proven to be the method that makes students of this generation responsive. The document camera has replaced the old overhead projectors and works hand in hand with the LCD projector. It enables teachers to magnify images and texts from diagrams, charts and textbooks for a bett er view by the students. The smart board enables charts, templates and diagrams to be rearranged, students can participate actively in the lesson and at the end, and it can be printed out as handouts for them. It requires lengthy training to use effectively but because of the eagerness it builds in students, teachers are

Case study 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 2 - Essay Example Demographically, the target market consists of women with varying income levels, and educational backgrounds, while they are generally part of the Gen X and Gen Y markets.2 Psychographically, Singh sees the global market as a composition of independent women who are smart and not afraid to take risks.3 Behaviorally, the markets are differentiated across regions, and to some extent, across nations. Regions are different, in that Asia tends to imitate Western trends, while Eastern Europe is not as similar in beauty trends as Western Europe.4 For example, some Indians want the latest global brand, not the ones based on local trends. Ravi Narayan, the head of South Asia marketing, learned that teenagers are looking for â€Å"the latest color† that they saw being advertised from an â€Å"English serial† without asking about the price.5 The case suggests that because people are more connected nowadays through access to mobile communication and international media,6 some of th em are more open to and identify with global brands. Furthermore, regions can have sharp cultural differences too. For instance, Singh once had to campaign for pricing and packaging to be different for India, where income levels are lower.7 Geographically, Espoir is sold across the globe, specifically in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.8 Hence, these characteristics show that some customers may react more positively to a global marketing image than others, although the extent and degree of differences in purchasing attitudes and behaviors are under-studied. The essay proceeds to describing five arguments in favor of going ahead with the movie global branding strategy. First, a global branding strategy leverages the opportunities and resources in the global market.9 Second, a global brand can be more cost-efficient and effective than highly differentiated and fragmented local marketing strategies.10 Third, a global brand can reduce brand confusi on across regions and nations, thereby strengthening global brand positioning.11 Fourth, a global brand can also improve international cohesion among managers that can result to global innovations.12 Fifth, a global brand can result to improved global performance because of marketing and functional synergies.13 While there are pros to a global brand, there are also drawbacks. First, a global marketing strategy may oversimplify and overstandardize marketing efforts, at the expense of local cultural differences and local innovations.14 Second, Singh is risking low buy-in among head managers, which can affect the implementation process and success of the headquarters-imposed global marketing campaign. Country heads know their markets best and if they think that there are national or cultural differences, then they may be right.15 Third, Singh does not have a clear role and authority in connection to local marketing s

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Technology in classrooms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology in classrooms - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, there has been a challenge in trying to get teachers to be comfortable and secure with their technology skills. This is particularly common with practical subjects such as social studies where technology applications would be used for tutoring purposes (Shriner et al., 2010). There has been a categorization of issues, which influence integration of technology into classrooms; they are curricular, social, environmental and personal aspects; moreover, environmental aspects refer to elements such as administrative support by the school, hardware and software. The social aspect focuses on the significance of communities, to support technology in classrooms. The personal aspect relates to the individual viewpoint on technology by teachers and their willingness to adapt it. Lastly, curricular aspects relate to use of technology in specific tutorial settings. That is, how the learning materials are linked with the course plans (Lih-Juan, 2007). It is widely agreeable among dif ferent social communities and educators that educational practices need to prepare students to flourish in the dynamic technological world, as it has gained acceptance. Hence, teachers are required to embrace technology and be willing to familiarize themselves with it. This will not only boost their confidence but also improve their teaching experiences as when applied effectively, technology enhances student learning, promotes shared learning and motivates them to seek more knowledge outside the classroom (Hubbel et al., 2012). In a bid to encourage teachers to familiarize themselves with technology advances in the classroom, various learning institutions have asked teachers to view them as a means of further developing themselves professionally; thus, this will advance their skills and knowledge. On the other hand, the learning institutions need to avail the necessary technologies to the teachers and ensure they are up-to-date whilst making their teaching schedules flexible enough for them to take the time to learn (Lih-Juan, 2007). Teaching tools that have come up due to advances in technology As aforementioned, there are the basic teaching tools that have been incorporated: the internet, LCD projectors, smart boards, document cameras and digital cameras. The internet is obviously the most widely used; teachers use it to access Web-based resources. The others offer visual assistance in the classrooms, which is the key in deepening understanding. The LCD projector is mounted in classrooms, for teachers to deliver Power Point presentations, share videos and other activities; moreover, it allows information from a single computer to be usable in a large group setting. Over time, this has proven to be the method that makes students of this generation responsive. The document camera has replaced the old overhead projectors and works hand in hand with the LCD projector. It enables teachers to magnify images and texts from diagrams, charts and textbooks for a bett er view by the students. The smart board enables charts, templates and diagrams to be rearranged, students can participate actively in the lesson and at the end, and it can be printed out as handouts for them. It requires lengthy training to use effectively but because of the eagerness it builds in students, teachers are