Friday, October 18, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Executive Summary - Essay Example Once this is achieved, the productivity will be enhanced automatically. This approach was selected to solve the problem of the Polska Pipe Works and make it a successful joint venture between the Americans and thee Polish because the pros of this approach far outweigh the cons. The approach would improve communication system which in turn, will enable the management to identify issues in their nascent stage by addressing them immediately. This will eradicate differences between the management and the employees and a culture of mutual harmony would materialize. The threat of this approach was of the opportunity cost of resources and time which were to be allocated to the various production aspects. This challenge has been met by staging the approach into six parts, and preparing a schedule covering 14 months for that. This planning and scheduling helps lower the costs of resources. This paper discusses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of establishing a joint venture named â€Å"Polska Pipe Works† in Poland between a renowned American company named â€Å"Stewer Technologies† and a Polish company. The strengths of the business include an opportunity for the Polish to benefit from the experience and technological expertise of the Americans. The weaknesses of the business include difficulty of cultural integration and addressing of the employees’ motivational concerns. Opportunities include government support to the foreign investors in Poland, and huge market value of the product. Threats include lost quality of work and productivity because of the weaknesses of a joint venture between the Americans and the Polish. While the American employees are facing difficulty adjusting in the Polish culture, Polish workers are more concerned about benefits of working with the American employer than learning skills

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