Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Methodology ( primary and secondary research Data Analysis) - Assignment

The Methodology ( primary and secondary research Data Analysis) - Integrated industry project ( Benefits of Training and Development on employees and managers in ( Court - in UAE ) part 3 (Primary and - Assignment Example is expected that such officers must be at their very best in terms of their skills, acumen and ability to dispense fair and objective determinations or rulings. This is the reason as to why the court officers usually go for training and development programme so to improve their overall body of knowledge and skills. In retrospect, the employees of a Court in United Arab Emirates must also partake and share in the accumulation of knowledge accordingly. It is important to note and mention that the training and development endeavors and programme cannot be done in a blanket form. Instead, it would be done in a systematic approach and manner which would ensure that the training and development program meets the intended and desirable outcome in the long end (Al-Hamadi, Budhwar & Shipton, 2007, p. 101). This is to mention and imply that the training and development must be done in a way and manner that will target the right number of employees while at the same time give the employees the most relevant and articulate training possible. Tentatively, it is critical to align the training and development of the United Arab Emirates Court officials in a quantitative and qualitative manner. This is to imply that the crucial number of employees will be targeted while the most relevant and important form of training is given to them. A hypothetical case and example is such that the court clerks who usually take notes and record the court proceeding would be given trainings on how to use laptops and other modern electronic gadgets so as to help them type faster. Similarly the employees who are maintain the files may be trained and enlightened on safer method of record keeping using computer other than files and papers. In order to launch the training and development if the United Arabs Emirates Court officials, it is imperative and imperious to get the input of the people whose lives are directly linked to the courts or the form of trainings that would be used. The primary

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