Monday, May 25, 2020

Occupational Research Report A Career as an Architect Essays

This Occupational Research Report is based on the career information obtained on the occupation of architecture. if focuses on the potential career of being an architect, the steps leading to obtaining a position and training, as well as the future growth and outlook of this occupation. According to Lee W. Waldrep (2010), author of the book Becoming an Architect: A Guide to Careers in Design, an architect is an imaginative person who designs a wide spectrum of structures for buildings (Waldrep, 2010, p 2). These structures must meet safety requirements in addition to being aesthetically pleasing. Architects must compete with other architects to attract clients by presenting designs. This process generally rests on building a good†¦show more content†¦The average salary of an architect ranges from a minimum of $30,000 in the nation and to an average of $66,000 in Oregon, according to Architecture Career: Salary, last updated in April of 2010, a website that provides information for individuals with an interest in architecture as a career (see chart on website). The work environment for an architect is generally more relaxed in order to allow the architect to design easier, this means that the architect may be spending ours in an office or design space, in the initial stages of design. The architect may be required to be present during the different stages of construction and thus be at the mercy of weather and construction conditions. Architects also must interact with many groups of people such as city officials, clients, engineers, etc. which provides for a dynamic work environment. According to the Career Education Advisor, a website that offers information about a variety of careers, last updated in 2007, the Architect Future Career Outlook predicted that architectural occupations will grow in the next ten years. The numbers of individuals with certifications and university degrees are increasing as well as the number of applicants for architectural positions have increased. As the level of building increases so will the need for architects of all kinds. This offers for a competitive but secure job outlook because there is always a need for building andShow MoreRelatedComputer Information And The Byu Idaho Catalog1343 Words   |  6 PagesComputer Information and Networking is a large and growing field that provides those with the appropriate skills and education a wide range of possible job opportunities. The BYU Idaho catalog has the following to say about careers in Computer Information Technologies: Careers in CIT are dynamic. 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