Friday, August 21, 2020

Boston Rain

Boston Rain Despite being the middle of winter, on Friday the entire Boston area ended up getting drenched in an unexpected deluge of rain. Yes, you read that right: rain. For a variety of reasons, this made me less than happy. Snow, you see, I could have handled. After all, snow isnt only picturesque, and fun to play with (or in), it even can serve as a metaphor for life. (Who can argue with that?) And whenever I see those first flakes falling from the sky, I wont deny that I always took a certain pleasure in running around trying to taste a few. Which makes me sound like a fifth-grader, but its true, so there you go. Rain, on the other hand, just gets everybody wet. Including me. Normally, I wouldnt really mind a little rain, because like most people I kept a pretty good pair of rain boots in my dorm room, not to mention three (count em) umbrellas. In case youre curious, and Im sure you are (not), I brought one from home, and I ended up buying the other two from LaVerdes MITs on-campus mini-mart, basically during the fall term when it spontaneously started raining during the day. Unfortunately, my excess of umbrellas was of no help to me Friday, because I wasnt in my dorm room last night. Instead, I was at my fraternity. In the interest of full disclosure, I should point out (for the parents sake, if nothing else) that all MIT students live in dormitories for their entire freshman year, regardless of whether they join any particular fraternity, sorority, or other independent living group. And in spite of being part of MITs exceptionally vibrant Greek community, Im as proud to live in Simmons Hall as any other Sim its simply that Im part of another living group in addition to Simmons. And because its IAP, I decided to take advantage of all the free time (well, more free time than Im used to, anyway) by spending a few nights over at the fraternity house. Unfortunately, since it is supposedly the middle of winter, I didnt think to bring one of my umbrellas along with me. Even so, the rain ordinarily wouldnt have been a big deal, since MITs tunnel system makes getting around campus while staying dry a pretty simple endeavor. Friday, however, was not an ordinary day and my destination was somewhere even MITs most distant tunnels couldnt reach. While I could simply tell you my story in normal, everyday prose, I decided that itd be far more amusing to do so in song. Accordingly, Ive adapted the melody of Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonady to form yet another spoof entitled, fittingly, Boston Rain. (If you havent seen or at least heard of Chocolate Rain although you probably have, since according to Wikipedia its the second most viral video in the world well, youre missing out. So go watch it!) Unfortunately, Im not going to sing it for you. Sorry, but trust me, youre better off this way. So sit back, sing along to yourself, and enjoy. =P Boston Rain (Un)original Cover By PAUL BARANAY Boston Rain Some stay dry while others feel the pain Boston Rain I got so wet I may never go outside again (*I move away from my blog to breathe in*) Boston Rain Makes it hard to get where you want to go Boston Rain Come listen to my tale of woe Boston Rain Today was in fact a special day Boston Rain I was meeting with my lab at MGH Boston Rain For my UROP is just one part of a collaboration Boston Rain Between several centers of science innovation Boston Rain Although MIT is where I do most of my work Boston Rain Visiting MGH is a cool little perk Boston Rain I woke up this morning eager to go Boston Rain Soon had me feeling pretty low Boston Rain Is hard to handle sans umbrella Boston Rain I felt like a pretty miserable fella Boston Rain All I wanted to do was take the T Boston Rain Who knew Mother Nature had other plans for me Boston Rain Walking to Copley Station really was a pain Boston Rain But once inside I got dry again Boston Rain Copley to Park Street went fairly well Boston Rain I transfered to the Red Line just swell Boston Rain Couldnt touch me on the train Boston Rain Outside MGH, I soon got soaked again Boston Rain Made finding my building slightly tough Boston Rain All in all my trip was rather rough Boston Rain But I survived to tell the tale Boston Rain Next week Ill be back for more

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